SIV Paragliding Clinic Class Course Training Cross Country Flying France Italy

Committed to Progression

Commited to progression is what we are all about and we apply this in everything we do, from preparation to execution. Our team is continuisly striving to improve. From the tehnical aspect of flying it self as well as the weather, logistics, phsycology, education amoung others. The goal is to deepen our understanding for as many relevent topics related to teaching it self as possible. We are committed to progression in helping people progress in this increadibly beautiful paragliding jurney one step at a time.

Flying Karlis committed to progression paragliding training learning clinic SIV thermal mountain courses france nice geneva gap annecy laragne 500
what do we offer

Course structure.

We focus on your progression, each course is structured to help you reach your next step or level. By adapting to each student and understanding what are their goals and where they want to go in their paragliding journey is how we create the plan. We focus on explaining the theory part in detail through our pre course knowledge base. This way we can spend our time to gether more productivley. After your first flight, we will know where you stand in your phisical skill and adjust our plan to work on exactly what you need to work on next.

We film a lot of what you do, so we have clear information for de-briefs afterwards to analyze your performance , we will also use your GPS Track logs to analyze your thermalling and/or XC work in 3D which gives a great insight. Our goal is for you to understand each topic/maneuver not just blindly follow our instructions. You are afterall the pilot in command!

What do we offer Books SIV Paragliding Clinic Class Course Training Cross Country Flying France Italy

What do we offer?

Progressive SIV

We run our SIV courses over Lake Garda – Italy, these are progression courses, we take it at your speed. We make sure you understand the fundamental maneuvers before we proceed to the next one, if this is not your first SIV, we will not waste your time, we’ll use one or two flights to re-fresh everything you know and start working on new things. We spend time explaining how each maneuver is done on the ground as well in our Pre Course Knowledge base. While you are in the air we talk only when needed, to give a new tip in-between exercise, what we don’t do is radio guided pilot type of teaching. It is simply more effective to try do things by yourself, see what works and what dose not. Don’t worry we will have our eye’s pealed at you, ready to assist the moment you’ll need it. All of it will be also filmed in 4k with a camera that can take pictures of moon in detail.

I asked myself this question – How do you help pilots to start the season safely? What would they need the most?

The answer was obvious to me. Wing control and airtime, this is how I came up with the concept for the Spring Progression. We spend 3 days over water learning or refreshing active piloting in a safe environment, after that we go straight to mountains to gain as much airtime as possible in the next 3 days, to work on thermalling and some cross country. This course is design to get you as ready as possible for the upcoming season. As the title suggest it is a progression course, progression what ever that means to you, not a check box – let’s get you through the maneuvers as quick as possible course.

Laragne Monteglin

On the first day, we will assess areas for improvement and tailor the remainder of the course to help you take the next step forward in your paragliding progression. This course is specifically designed to meet your individual flying needs.

Our base will be at the Camping Mongeglin located in Laragne-Montéglin, France and our main take-off point will be Chabre. This reagion is our home base, we know it inside and out. We will be flying in different sites based on the weather conditions. Our reagion is one of the most realiable for paragliding flights.

Individual aproach.

It’s all about you. We will choose the days based on the weather and work on what ever you need or want to work on. This is the most flexible option as long as I am free during the season you are welcome to come and do some flying together.

Ever wanted to fly among the biggest mountains of the world? Bir Billing offers a great introduction and practice to fly among some of the most scenic mountains available. This is a two week trip focused on polishing your skills and decision making over long hours in the air and repetition over two week period. You should be independent pilot with good active piloting skills and able to make good decisions on choosing your landing options. As well as comfortable flying with pilots of all levels around you, Bir can get quite busy at times.

For more questions and to reserve your dates drop as a line at or use Telegram for a quick question.


Reg. Nr: LV40203558447

Latgales iela 273 K-3 3

Riga, LV – 1063